
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cradle to Cradle Essay

In this book the authors and environmentalists William McDonough and Michael Braungart discuss how very un-eco friendly are the people that design our world, from our buildings to the products we use and consume. They talk about how our solutions for our environmental problems, such as recycling, are basically just a band-aid fix for broken bone. They discuss the negative effects that our daily lives have on our environment and offer some solutions of their own to help counteract the problem as much as possible, even the book Cradle to Cradle is printed on eco-friendly paper that does not use trees. In this book McDonough and Braungart urge its readers to take our environment into account and look for better solutions to our global environmental problems then the ones that we have been settling for for the last half-century. In this book McDonough and Braungart identify two major problems with the way that we live that negatively affects our environment. The first is the problem of t hrowing things away, because in fact when we throw things away, they do not just go away. The things that we throw out stay here on our Earth, soiling our precious and finite earth and affect its well-being. The second problem that they discuss the the harmful product that are used, which not only have negative impacts on our planet, but also on ourselves. In this book the authors urge us to learn from nature through bio-mimicry, an effort to design buildings like trees, cities like forests. They also challenge us to look at ants and the role they play in the world and their self-sustaining way of life and to learn from them. Ants are able to inhabit a diverse a range of environments, are able to hunt, scavenge, and grow their own food, build their homes, effectively handle their wastes, create powerful medicines, and produce biological and chemical weapons, all the while contributing to the health of the natural world. We live on this earth less-effectively than ants and should look to their way of living as a role model for how we as humans live on this earth. McDonough and Braungart offer some of their own suggestions for way that we can live effectively with the Earth in mind, such as rooftops covered with soil and plants that serve as natural insulation, non toxic dyes and fabrics, their current overhaul of Ford’s legendary River Rouge factory, and even the book itself, which is printed on a synthetic paper that does not use trees. While creating an ultimate solution to our environmental problem is a very involved and complicated ordeal, McDonough and Braungart do offer some simple solutions to help cut down on the harm we are causing our planet. One things that we can do is to cut out all chemicals and substances that are harmful and destructive both to humans as well as the environment. Also they discuss how we must abandon our current cradle to grave way of thinking and adopt a cradle to cradle way of thinking, meaning that we need to consider where the products and its packaging will end up after we are finished with it. When creating a product we need to begin to understand and think about where it will end up after the consumer is done with it. We must think about how our waste can be reused in order to cut back on unnecessary waste and contamination of our planet. McDonough and Braungart in this book urge us to start looking at our wasteful ways and see how it is harming our own selves as well as the environment and see that we must adopt a cradle to cradle way of thinking in order to save our planet and use the finite resources we have in a smart and truly eco friendly way. After reading this book I examined the wasteful way in which I live my own life, and when I think about how I live and times that by 6,973,738,433, it’s hard to fathom how much damage we must be doing to our planet. Our resource, clean air and precious earth are limited but humans are consumers and don’t consider much past our own immediate wants and needs. After reading this book I see how important it is to move away from cradle to grave thinking and truly take on a cradle to cradle way of thinking and see the long term effects of our consumerism. This book should be read by everyone because it gives a clear and simple way to see how we are living now, and then how we should be living in order to help save and protect the planet that we have been given.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Learning and Memory Essay

If one were to explain what it is to learn something new, they would certainly mention memory somewhere in their explanation. As well as if someone was to explain memory, they certainly would have learning mentioned in their explanation. This is because learning and memory go hand in hand. When one learns, they store what they learned in their memory whether it is short term or long term. It would go without saying that memory and learning has to do with the brain, hence the importance of keeping one’s brain functioning properly by insuring proper stimulation and continuously learning new things. Now, the ability to learn and to memorize what is learned stems from different areas of the brain. The brain is a part of an individual’s neuroanatomy. Neuroanatomy refers to the structure of the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of different parts. Those parts are broken up by having the main one being the nervous system, and then it is divided by the central nervous system brain and spinal cord on one end. The other ends are much more complex and, consist of the peripheral nervous system which then branches off to other ones. These each control different parts of the nervous system and give the ability for people to sleep, eat or learn. The part of our nervous system that pertains to learning is the brain. The part in the brain that helps with learning is called the hippocampus. The hippocampus is in the limbic system. It is the part of the brain where the learning that people do in day to day life takes place. Learning is a neurobiological that is important to humans and being able to be conscious. The communication that happens between singular neuroanatomical structures and their abilities to repeat neurophysiologic activities is combined as a network of neural activity. These things occur in the cortex and create different types of learning for people. The movement that is ongoing changes in the synaptic area of the nerves. These active activities make the synaptic connectors stronger with the result of the continuous activity and then this creates memories that help an individual learn and remember what they have learned. It has been taught that learning is not singled out to one certain area of the brain itself. The cerebral cortex is where all the learning is. When a person is learning to read, walk, or talk it occurs here. One of the many different neural processes involved in learning is the synaptic inputs that occur in the brain. When a synaptic input in a certain neuron is combined with two different synapse then; it creates a long term depression or a long term printed memory, this is something that occurs and has been known to create learning involved with motor skills. Learning is mainly either a process that one learns through the brain with the use of classical conditioning and also instrumental conditioning. Our brains respond to the many different things that are in a human’s surroundings. In the process of a human’s learning new things is by the development of a neuron and its effectiveness to make new synaptic connections or reinforcing the strengths of the neurons that are already in place. The relationship between learning and memory has been a subject of much debate among psychologists, teachers, and society in general for many years now. It is what we learn and how we learn it that is responsible for how we live in the world and how we deal with the world around us. Learning has been a fundamental part of our survival ever since Cro-Magnon man. He/she had to learn how to make spears, sharp points, even mastering the bow and arrow was important to the survival and the spread of the human species. Why, though, if humanity has so much â€Å"experience† in learning, then why do we forget things? The brain is the organ that is responsible for what we call the mind. It is the basis for thinking, feeling, wanting, perceiving, learning and memory, curiosity, and behavior. Memory is a fundamental mental process, and without memory we are capable of nothing but simple reflexes and stereotyped behaviors (Okano, 2000). Both the brain and memory are responsible for our learning. The brain assists us in figuring out a solution to the problem and to solve it. Our memory is responsible for storing that information within our brains in case we ever need it for a later date, or if we ever need to apply it to another problem which is similar. During this learning process, our brain is communicating with that section of our mind that is responsible for memorizing methods, actions, and procedures for finding a solution to a given problem. Since our memory is only a mental process and not a â€Å"supercomputer† like the brain, it stands to reason that our memories need to recall different types of information using dissimilar methods. We define memory as a behavioral change caused by an experience, and define learning as a process for acquiring memory. According to these definitions, there are different kinds of memory. Some memories, such as those concerning events and facts, are available to our consciousness; this type of memory is called â€Å"declarative memory. † However, another type of memory, called â€Å"procedural memory,† is not available to consciousness. This is the memory that is needed, for example, to use a previously learned skill (Okano, 2000). When someone is learning something, they assume that they are acquiring the knowledge to write a paper or to build a chair. Actually, all a person is really doing is creating memories for them to recall the information. While we are in the process of creating these memories, our brains are at work in determining the best ways to store them in our memories. This might be learning a piece of music by only playing the 3rd or 4th notes, or by building a chair by starting with top first instead of the bottom. Each person’s brain is different from another person so each method of memorization would be different. This theory has been proven using animals that work together. For instance, one taxonomic group of birds, the oscines or true songbirds, all learn to sing by imitation. To produce biologically functional songs, they need to hear examples of species songs during development, which they commit to memory. They subsequently perfect their song performance by ear and are capable of using both memorized material as well as songs of birds they can hear to produce an acceptable species song (Okano, 2000). Birds, and other animals, have shown that they use memory in order to learn a skill or to work together to achieve a common goal or result. The ability to apply the right knowledge effectively is an important skill and the cornerstone of our success, because we live in the Knowledge Age. People who have not used a computer in 10 years to find an article on the Internet definitely understand strength of knowledge and learning. Learning develops interesting people. Knowledge enables us to have different perspectives, fascinating conversation and a deeper understanding. It makes us well rounded better people; it allows us to make better, informed decisions; and assists us in becoming more successful in our lives and careers. Technology has made our lives become fast paced; the advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new each day just to stay current in the workplace. The day’s on-the-job training is something we can no longer rely on; companies can no longer be the basis to provide the necessary education. We must seek out more education just to keep up. It’s advantageous for everyone to make time for learning, seek out their own opportunities, use available resources wisely, and find new resources. Our children are a good example of how fast technology has increased the need for learning. They our learning how to use technology much earlier than we ever did, it seems like they are born with the ability to operate a computer. Brain stimulation can help with Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, Major depression, and Tourette syndrome. Stimulating the brain helps to relieve symptoms of these conditions when medications are not working or have major side effects. The stimulation can help people with Parkinson’s disease to manage their symptoms of tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. Brain stimulation has produced impressive results with some patients with chronic pain, some patients are virtually pain free after treatment and even released from the hospital. Brain stimulation has been found to significantly decrease depression and increase in function. Although highly experimental, brain stimulation has had success. Patients experience reduction in tics and the disappearance of obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Lifelong learning and brain stimulation helps to manage and relive a symptom which increases life longevity and quality of life for the patients. Patients who continue to learn and stimulate their minds increase life longevity and quality of life because they are able to eliminate medications which can have very harmful side effects. These medications can actually shorten life and decrease quality of life because of the side effects. Taking medication out of the treatment of any kind will always increase life longevity and quality life. Most of all any time a patient is able to manage and relive symptoms, their life longevity and quality of life will have a great increase. As must as society tells us our physical up keep is so important for our health and life longevity, it would seem keep care of our brain is just as important as well. The brain is a muscle, and it is a part of our nervous system. It controls our breathing, eating, learning, memory, and so much more. Keeping care of our brains allows an individual to learn, remember things, and increase their life longevity as well. It would not seem that is keeping up on learning and remembering what we have learned will make us live longer, however this is how this muscle is exercised! It can also help control and care for one’s mental defects as well. It would seem, no matter what someone is wanting to believe, learning is never finished! REFERENCES Fernandez, A. (2011). Brain Health Business Grows With Research and Demand. Retrieved from http://www. sharpbrains. com/blog/2008/05/20/brain-health-business-grows-with-research-and-demand/ Lopez-Hernandez E. and Solis, H. (2012). Proceedings of the National Academy of Applied Sciences. Retrieved from http://www. pnas. org/content/97/23/12403. full Okano, H. (2000). Learning and memory. Retrieved from http://www. pnas. org/content/97/23/12403. full Pinel, J. P. J. (2009). Biopsychology (7th ed. ). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Theme of Love in Sonnets 18, 75 and 43

In Shakespeare's sonnet 18, Edmund Spenser's sonnet 75 and Elizabeth Barret Browning's sonnet 43 a key idea encompassed through all of them is the theme of love, which is portrayed using an array of language features most commonly figurative language. Shakespeare uses Figurative language to help himself portray the theme of love in sonnet 18 . â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summers day? † at the start of the sonnet he asks a rhetorical question too himself if he is able to compare the beauty of his lover and his love for that person through a summer's day.But he decides against this instead using an extended metaphor to describe just how much better this person is compared to a summers day â€Å"Thou art more lovely and temperate. † This line in the sonnet means that this person is more lovely and constant than a summers day, he uses this extended metaphor to show exactly how much he is in love with this person, as the complete octet and two thirds of the sestet in the sonnet are dedicated to describing and making his lover sound perfect in every way.He then uses the last two lines of the sestet to explain to his lover that even when both of them are dead and gone beyond the grave, that they will still be famous because of his sonnet describing his love for that person. â€Å"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and gives life to thee. † I believe that Shakespeare knew all these years ago that people will always fall in love and this is the key to this sonnet living on and in turn the person he wrote it for. In the same way Shakespeare is trying to immortalize his love through a sonnet using figurative language, Edmund Spencer does also. One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it -away† He is talking about how he is trying to write her name in the sand, but the waves a metaphor for time keep on destroying it meaning he has to do it again. â€Å"Again I tried to write it wit h a second hand, But came the tide, and made my pains his prey† He uses personification to make the tide sound like a predator and this helps with the visual imagery of time slowly destroying everything. This helps show truly how much he loves this women if he is willing to go against time to prove his love for her.It shows that he does not care about things like time and will do whatever it takes to make sure his love for his partner is immortalized and that she is forever known because of it. He reinforces his eternal love for her through the use of repetition in words like fame, eternize and glorious and this helps the reader understand the kind of the love that Edmund Spenser depicted through this sonnet so long ago. Quite like sonnet 18 I believe that Edmund knew that similar love to his own would always be around even if slightly watered down and that no matter what age people were in this sonnet would remain true for the timesFrom the first line of Elizabeth Barret Brow ning's sonnet 43 you already know she is talking about romantic love and she does this in the sonnet by using figurative language. â€Å"How do I love Thee† she starts off by asking herself a rhetorical question about the right way to love her partner, from this alone you can tell that she is deeply in love and wants to make sure she is perfect for him. She continues from there by using a metaphor to describe her love for him. â€Å"I love thee to depth and breadth and height† what she is saying through this metaphor is that she loves him in every way humanly possible for her and that she is his to love.She incorporates repetition as a way of explaining all the romantic ways in which she loves him. â€Å"I love thee freely, as men strive for right, I love thee purely as they turn from praise†¦ † Because of these language features a vivid image is portrayed of her love for him, and this makes it easier to understand what kind of message she is portraying thr ough the sonnet. To conclude sonnets 18,75 and 43 all share a key theme this theme is love. Love is depicted in all of these sonnets from the use of figurative language.Figurative language is used as it helps give the reader a vivid image of the love portrayed through these sonnets. Sonnet 18 is about someone who has fallen in love, sonnet 75 true love and sonnet 43 romantic love. yet even though they are three different types of love displayed, all three sonnets none written by the same person all talk about how because of their sonnet their lover will forever be famous and this has remained true. As even though man is in a new era people still and will probably always be affected by the overwhelming strength of love.

Midterm 7 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Midterm 7 questions - Essay Example The growth of tourism results occurrence of various issues which must be addressed, as the environmental consequences of the tourism activities. These three reading have some common features which can be identified form the content. There are always issues which arise from tourism activities, whether positive or negative. It is essential to understand the effects of various tourism activities from different perspectives in seeking to make evaluations of the potential benefits of the development. Understanding the impact of these activities remains the fundamental point through which informed decisions can be made regarding various tourism activities. The politics of travel infers that the tourist must be understood based on the perception of the cultural beliefs of the native country from which the tourist comes. Individuals tour the world, they carry with them the cultural beliefs form their native countries. Despite the expectation of tourist to adopt to the cultural elements of the destination, it is common for them to bring their native beliefs into the destination. Individuals travel to different destinations for various purposes including getting an experience of a different culture. This integration of different social aspects becomes fundamental in understanding the political elements of tourism. Like many political situations, tourism travels have a long history and are undertaken to achieve personal satisfaction in seeking to fulfil a desire. Tourism is commonly considered a trade for the rich and individuals who are well-off economically, seeking to achieve the highest level of needs within the Maslow’s hierarc hy. The same can also be said about engagement in politics. The connotation of this article remains the comparison of tourism to political systems. 3. To what degree are the issues surrounding professional sports stadia and city convention centers cut from the same cloth? What

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Leading theories of free will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leading theories of free will - Essay Example Free will has been described as; having the ability to make decisions or choices, devoid any kind of limitations. As such, anybody who desires to make a decision out of free will, should not be influenced by any external forces or interferences whilst making such a decision (Kim et al, 2009). However, in reality, this is not often the case. Most decisions people make out of free will are, often based on some kind of influence, either from personal preferences or external interference. It is for this reason that hard determinism best describes the concept of free will. Hard determinism, as described earlier, claims that free will is inexistence. This is true because while it affirms to the philosophy of determinism, it does not agree that it is compatible with free will. It is next to impossible for one to make a free will without determinism and at the same time carry the belief that determinism affects free will, as claimed by compatibilists. A case in point is a situation where one needs to be morally accountable. It is agreed that most institutions or nations have certain morally guiding principles. In such a situation, one is expected to choose from two options; the moral option or the immoral stand. In the case of libertarianism, one should not be held morally accountable if he or she chooses the ‘immoral’ option since it supports free will, devoid of external or internal influences. It is for this reason that hard determinism comes into place and justifies the need to act ‘morally’ since that choice is influenced by a deterministic factor. The application of hard determinism can be justified through creation of ethical standards to correct wrong doers in a society. If everyone had the free will to do anything that they deem logical, then criminal behavior and other vices in society could be justified. It is for this very same reason that there exist standards to regulate human behavior to ac t according certain prescribed code of conduct (Kim, et al, 2009 p 47). This means that no one has the free will, like in the case of libertarianism or Compatibilism, to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Project Management and How it Relates to Purchasing and Supply Research Paper

Project Management and How it Relates to Purchasing and Supply Management - Research Paper Example In this scenario, project management processes are required to perform these operations successfully. The basic purpose of this research is to analyze project management in the context of its use in procurement and supply management. Procurement and Project Management Procurement is the most important element of a business industry. It encompasses a wide variety of aspects of project management such as acquiring material, goods, equipment, and services from external firms. However, procurement does not include other internal departments inside an organization. In view of the fact that procurement is a domain for which a project manager will be responsible for providing information and input, in various and possibly a number of firms, hence it is believed to be an area that the project manager does not own. Though, the project managers generally are not authorized to take part into contracts in support of the business organization, as well as they are not responsible for controlling t he contracts once they are prepared or in process. However, it is still a most important area which an organization must need to have knowledge of. In this scenario, the project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKÂ ®) outlines six key processes that deal with certain Project Procurement Management knowledge areas (Mochal, 2007). Plan purchases and acquisitions: This process of project management is concerned with identifying and determining the resources that need to be acquired for a project and when a project needs them. This area of procurement comes directly under the control and authority of the project manager, for the reason that the top management and organization’s purchasing committee do not... This paper has presented a detailed analysis of the project management function in the context of its role in procurement and supply chain management. Project management is a set of well-organized and synchronized processes, and each process is connected with another however the basic purpose remains to achieve a common goal. The research has shown that both the project management and supply chain management are similar disciplines. The research has also shown that if both supply chain management and project management are combined effectively then it can improve the performance and efficiency of a firm. This paper has also discussed various aspects associated with procurement and purchasing. This paper has also presented recommendations on how to use project management to improve procurement and supply chain processes. In short, the survival of successful project management depends seriously on the proper execution of the supply chain process, for the reason that well-timed, accurat e, and well-organized delivery of materials, equipment, supplies and resources are critical to success of project management. In order to make the procurement process a success, there is a need for reliable aftercare and organizational record, which should be carried out by a variety of professionals from the legal and financial settlement of purchases. In addition, even a project is in progress, the performance of the suppliers should be constantly assessed and, where essential, alternatives should be adopted.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Women - are better listeners than men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women - are better listeners than men - Essay Example Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime. Pros: 1) There is statistical evidence that capital punishment is by far not a panacea; 2) even if in one country it works, it does not automatically mean that in every society it will work in the same way; 3) there is a sentiment that a murder for the sake of deterrence is a crime by itself; 4) society may benefit more from life imprisonment and controlled employment of criminals. Cons: 5) Capital punishment in some cases reflects the dominant public opinion; 6) zero tolerance to some criminals may if not reduce crime, but at least keep it in check. "Hard" sciences such as math are more difficult than "soft" sciences such as sociology. Pros: 1) "Hard" sciences often require more extensive basic knowledge; 2) fewer people are good at "hard" sciences in comparison to "soft" sciences; 3) "hard" sciences are usually less intuitively understandable than "soft" sciences. Cons: 4) Many "soft" sciences like sociology are based on observations, wh ich, while making them seem simple, in reality makes the process of research quite difficult; 5) there is no objective ground for differentiation, only inclinations of different people.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Do Computers and Other Information Communication Technologies Increase Essay

Do Computers and Other Information Communication Technologies Increase or Decrease Social Connection - Essay Example Their mobile phones may have a way of binding the Japanese together, but the same gadgets serve only a divisive purpose outside of their area of the world. Let us not forget that alongside the innovative Smart TV sets that are being marketed these days, the Smart House is also being developed in some corners of the world. Bill Gates, one of the most prolific technological inventors of the modern era, already claims to be living in a Smart House. Yet somehow that does not seem like a hopeful thought for most people. The more gadgets we create in the pursuit of excellence in entertainment, socializing, and the like, the more it seems like we are developing ways and means to eliminate social contact with other people while in the past, we thrived as society in terms of social interaction. This is evidenced by the proliferation of coffee machines these days. These machines have taken over the functions of your favorite coffee barista of yesteryear: Does your cappuccino-maker always make perfect cappuccinos? How much time does it take? Does your neighborhood cafe make perfect cappucinos? If you had the time where would you prefer to have your cappucino? Is your neighborhood cafe run by a computer? Would it be better if it was? Where did you meet your wife (husband, lover)? (Gold) Most people these days are so on the go that even the formerly trendy social interaction of going to the nearest Starbucks for that cup o' Joe in the morning has almost been totally banished to oblivion. These days, the barista machines exist to make cheaper and faster coffee for everyone. Just pop in a coffee table and hit the button, presto, coffee perfect-o! You are ready to jump into your car and start your day. You just skipped the need to interact... This essay stresses that alongside the innovative Smart TV sets that are being marketed these days, the Smart House is also being developed in some corners of the world. Bill Gates, one of the most prolific technological inventors of the modern era, already claims to be living in a Smart House. Yet somehow that does not seem like a hopeful thought for most people. The more gadgets we create in the pursuit of excellence in entertainment, socializing, and the like, the more it seems like we are developing ways and means to eliminate social contact with other people while in the past, we thrived as society in terms of social interaction. This is evidenced by the proliferation of coffee machines these days. This paper makes a conclusion that most people these days are so on the go that even the formerly trendy social interaction of going to the nearest Starbucks for that cup o' Joe in the morning has almost been totally banished to oblivion. These days, the barista machines exist to make cheaper and faster coffee for everyone. Just pop in a coffee table and hit the button, presto, coffee perfect-o! You are ready to jump into your car and start your day. You just skipped the need to interact with real people – first thing in the morning which normally would provide you with a much needed natural energy boost as you talk to your friends or co-workers who happen to be in the same line at the coffee shop. That is definitely another technological innovation that successfully helped isolate us from the others in our social circle.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Conventions of Western Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Conventions of Western Art - Essay Example All these changes in the world economy and politics, as well as in local societies did not leave artists indifferent and have certainly had a major impact on their artistic thought, making them reconsider the purpose of art itself. Artists could not resume themselves for portraits and still life. On the contrary, they started to experiment with color and material. These circumstances have to lead to the creation of original artworks, expression in art changing as fast as the social and political changes occurred. In this paper, I will talk about three artists and their main, representative artworks that best convey the principle of originality and how their artistic thought has challenged old western conceptions about what art is supposed to be. Dadaism was a cultural movement in visual arts that appeared as a response to the cruel and inhumane nature of the First World War and came to challenge rigid intellectual principles as well as all former art conventions. Not only did the sty le deny any existing connection between rationality and artistic expression, it also rejected the artistic standards at the time. One of the most important representatives of Dadaism was Marcel Duchamp, who first built his reputation as an advisor on modern art in New York, but he also leads his activity in Paris. He exhibited in 1913, for the first time, a set of ready-made sculptures, which were basically objects found on the street or elsewhere, abandoned by their previous owners, which Duchamp decided to modify, to change their appearance.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Terra cycle Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Terra cycle - Movie Review Example On the other hand, there is a challenge of hiring fresh graduates because they have to learn practically everything before they can be assigned any responsibilities, which may prove to be time consuming or expensive for the company. Further, the fresh graduates lack any experience on the job, implying that they lack the technical know how to handle situations or drive processes. Such experience, according to the vice-president, human resources, is vital in the running of any company, and is practically what the fresh graduates’ lack. Entrepreneurs ought to give freedom to their workers, which spur creativity among the employees. In addition, the environment should be created conveniently such that workers learn and develop their skills with time, which proves that the experience is worthwhile. Workers need to learn people skills and professional skills, which make them attached to their jobs and feel like they indeed own it. On the other hand, it is imperative that employers make the working environment friendly, satisfy their employees, and provide avenues through which disputes can be amicably resolved. This is the genesis of friendly working environments in the workplace. Small companies do not have any advantage over the big companies in providing an employee friendly environment. It would be plausible to state that the size of the organization does not matter, what is most important is the conditions under which the employees work under. Such an environment is only determined by the values and attitudes embraced by the managers, and not necessarily on the magnitude of the business that they work in. Employees who work in bigger companies possess an advantage over their counterparts, to the extent that they are not subjected to stern supervision, which hinders creativity and individual performance of the employee. The risks of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bolsheviks and Revolution Essay Example for Free

Bolsheviks and Revolution Essay It is time to take action. Let go of the old ways and embrace a new one that promises betterment for yourselves, and especially a brighter future for your children. Let us abandon centuries of being poor, illiterate, and subjects to the select few. Our ancestors have quietly, and perhaps, gladly accepted the Tsar and the so-called nobilitys orders, demands, and humiliations. Perhaps they were glad, and perhaps they were not. They may have secretly wanted something different for us, their children. But without anyone leading them, they kept their secrets in their hearts. Now is the time to realize our forebears dream of a free people in a free nation. A nation where the masses needs are heard and taken cared of. We are all tired from the promises of liberation that some groups have postulated but never made true. To take up force is regrettably necessary to dislodge the wealthy, fat and richly-dressed nobility. They have an over-abundance of land that provides them with large incomes. They have excess food on their table that they never knew what being hungry means. They have armies and soldiers that fight for them during war. Their children will grow up with no fear of the future for their wealth and their status would speak wonders for them. Did you not wonder how its like to have even a portion of what they have? Wouldnt you like to prepare even the simplest food to calm your childrens hunger so that they may sleep the night full, instead of choosing to sleep in order to forget hunger? Our children deserve to eat and be clothed with warm clothes during the bitter winter months. We all deserve better than what the royals and the autocrats deem to bestow on us depending on what they think our worth. We are people like they are. They shouldnt have more of whats their due while we get little of whats rightfully ours. 2 Wouldnt you want to till your own land and enjoy your own produce instead of tilling a land and giving the produce to your rulers? The peasants sweat and work each day to make the lands productive. And what do you get in exchange? You pay outrageous rents to people who never had their nails dirtied. These landlords never knew the kind of labor that each one of you has to go through everyday in order to feed your families. Yet when harvest comes, they get the lions share of the income, while youre left with barely enough to last you till the next harvest. Many of our youths wont even have the chance to become farmers. Theyd be forced t wander and become laborers in somebody elses land. Are we to continue catering to the very few who are in power? I say no. Let us be one and take control of our future. Wouldnt you want to stop this war with the Germans in order for us to get on with our lives without fear of getting attacked? Let us stop fighting useless wars that cause famine in our lands. Let us call our soldiers home to help us attain a new government a government that is for the people. A government where each one of us share equally in the bounty of our lands. The government should be for us, common people. The nobles and the royals are but a few in this vast nation. It is us who make this nation function. We toil, we labor, we die so that a few elite could continue with their dinners and banquets and extravagance. I say, we must put a stop to this folly. For it is folly to submit and choose a greatly flawed system. It is folly to continue in this dismal state when there is a way to improve our lot. Let us make Russia a land of the people. Let us all be called Bolsheviks, for the name would be remembered in a distant future as the people who brought change in a country that has the potential to become great. We must change; and change requires no other way but to take up arms and fight. Fight, if we must. Fight the dictators of the land and drive them away from their throne. We have to unite and act. Food, land and peace. These, my friends, are our rightful due.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Lack of Responsibility Kills Essay Example for Free

Lack of Responsibility Kills Essay When it comes to the battle between obesity among Americans and fast food chain companies, fast food falls hard for the one to blame. For many years, big food companies have been constantly under attack from health advocates and consumers for the contribution of growing waistlines, chronic diseases and lack of exercise in the United States. Of course, it is easy to blame fast food corporations given the ubiquity, proximity convenience and low cost of food options available. But who really is the one to point the finger at? We, the consumers, are fully responsible for what enters our mouths. No individual should sue any restaurant company from getting fat from eating their food. A decline in physical activity and a rise in more sedentary lifestyles have made it more difficult to balance food intake with energy spending in the last generation, leading to overweight people. It wouldnt be such a big deal if the problem were simply aesthetic. But excess weight takes a terrible toll on the human body, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, gall-bladder disease, osteoarthritis and many forms of cancer. The total medical tab for illnesses related to obesity is $117 billion a year. According to the Surgeon General, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in March, poor diet and physical inactivity could soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. And again, Americans recognize the problem but do not seem to want to change. In the TIME/ABC poll they rated obesity alongside heart disease, cancer, AIDS and drug abuse as among the nations most pressing public health problems. Consumers attitude toward fast food has changed since there is a wide assortment of factors at work ranging from fewer sit-down meals, much more snacking, more latchkey kids who make their own food decisions without supervision. Consumers, as well as parents (kids are also falling victim to the obesity rates), need to engage in personal responsibility when it comes to consuming an abundant amount of fast food instead of putting the obesity blame on fast food franchises. Obesity and fast food chains were never an issue back in the day; Americans seem to have taken advantage of the easy availability and cheap prices of many unhealthy foods. The human lifestyle and diet 4,000 years ago seem to have changed dramatically over the years where our ancestors ate and drank in the healthiest way possible as nomadic hunter-gatherers. 50%-80% of food came from plants, and 20%-50% came from animals (The World is Fat 18). Chronic disease, diabetics, obesity, heart disease and even cancer were unknown. In the 1950s, less than 100 million Americans were overweight and obese individuals. People used to have to do daily activities that were extensive just to live their everyday lives like cooking food from scratch, walking most places and doing most things by hand rather than using technological machines to do it for them. Food wasnt easy to get if you were poor. Walking somewhere was still common regardless of appliances such as dishwashers and ovens, and in 1960, only about 13.3 percent of people in America were obese, according to the University of Iowa Hospitals Clinics. And things havent been moving in a promising direction. Just two decades ago, the incidence of overweight in adults was well under 50%, while the rate for kids was only a third what it is today. From 1996 to 2001, 2 million teenagers and young adults joined the ranks of the obese. People are clearly worried. A TIME/ABC News poll released June 2004 shows that 58% of Americans would like to lose weight, nearly twice the percentage that felt that way in 1951. But only 27% say they are trying to slim down and two-thirds of those arent following any specific plan to do so. Americans love and strive for flavor and bigger portioned sized foods that’s fast and easy to attain, that is where fast food corporations come in place. Americans now are taking advantage of the big ger, cheaper and faster foods that it has become a national problem. So, where do we draw the line between self-control and responsible business practice? For the past 10 years, McDonald’s and other fast foods chains have been victimized with numerous lawsuits because they either â€Å"got consumers fat, hypnotized kids or bribed with deals and promos† (Fast Food 19). In 2003, the United States district court for the Southern District of New York responded to a complaint filed against McDonald’s by a class of obese costumers (Fast Food 18). In 2011, sixty-four year old Martin Kessman filed a lawsuit against the fast food company, White Castle and was seeking unspecified financial damages against the fast-food chain, claiming that his local White Castle is in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act because the seating could not accommodate a customer of his size, keep in mind this man ate at White Castle on a regular basis. These frivolous and unnecessary lawsuits against corporations show the ignorance of many irresponsible Americans who cannot control their eating habits. It is not right to sue a fast food company based on the fact that consumers knowingly and voluntarily consumed the foods from McDonald’s knowing that the foods McDonald’s serves were in fact high in cholesterol, fat, salt and sugar. Consumers voluntarily spend over $100 billion annually on fast food per year. (Fast Food 8). The famous documentary, Supersize Me, shows Morgan Spurlock consuming McDonalds every day, 3 days a week. This of course led him to gain a significant amount of weight and develop some health complications. Spurlock makes his point by a way of exaggeration, he tells us something that we already know, fast food is bad. Of course it will be bad because he ONLY consumed fast food and nothing else, he did not eat anything healthy and did not exercise, all of this was done voluntarily. Should consumers eat fast food on a daily or even a weekly basis? The answer is simply no. Today Americans eat an extra 300 calories per day than in 1985 (Buzzle). When this trend occurs we get overweight Americans, and that is exactly what we are dealing with. 500 million Americans are now obese and an additional 6 or 7 million are â€Å"morbidly obese† (Chew on This 209). With this ridiculous amount of unhealthy people, you would think there would be a solution. And there is, lawsuits. Americans decide to turn to their lawyers for their ignorance and blame corporations for something that is obviously done by their own will. Consumers are too ignorant and blind to understand what it’s their mouth. We cannot deny that people are eating more and are getting fat, but that does not prove that fast food franchises are the culprit. Kids today are suffering severely and falling victim to obesity because of many unhealthy diets that are being practiced in their own home. Parents bring home the importance of food safety, quality and nutrition. When this habit continues to occur it leads to kids becoming teens who make poor choices who in turn leads to obese adults and a lifetime of health problems. Children in the United States are gaining more weight than ever before. They’re eating too much high-fat, high-sugar food and are spending less time be ing physically active. In 1989-1996 kids caloric intake became 80-230 extra calories per day (Food Inc. 225). The diets of American children don’t meet nutritional recommendations. In 1997, American children obtained about 50% of their calories from added fat and sugar while 1% of them resemble portions of food pyramid (Fast Food 29). At this early age kids can show early signs of health problems and of course obesity. A quarter of kids age 5-10 show premature warning signs for heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure with unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity and obesity (Food Inc. 229). Weight problems that develop during childhood can lead to weight-related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. So, is parent’s lack of responsibility for their children’s food habits the one to blame? Of course, one thing kids will unfortunately experience is variety. With all the fast food chains serving the same stuff no matter where in the US. Parents with obese kids are struggling with a horde of problems when it comes to their childs weight. They range from a lack of education about nutritional food, not knowing how to cook and limited money to buy healthier food, to longer working hours and marketing campaigns for junk food aimed at kids. But the more sedentary and lazy lives children now have are also creating huge problems. Type 2 diabetics actually increased in children when a study conducted in Cincinnati should that type 2 diabetics went up tenfold from 1982 to 1994. 75% of junior school children preferred to stay at home than go to their nearby park (Child obesity: Why do parents let their kids get fat). Watching TV was one of the most popular activities, with 89% saying it was how they liked best to spend their time away from school, according to researchers Lightspeed. In July, scientists from University of Montreal claimed that by the age of ten, toddlers had added inches to their waistlines each week they spen d an extra hour in front of the television. Parents need to, from the start, control the eating and overall lifestyle of their children. It is dangerous for the future of the children to get used to such a risky addiction. Not only are we and our children eating more, but we are also exercising less. Lack of exercise is another factor to lack of responsibility. Fewer American adults today work in jobs that require physical labor. People drive to work in cars, rather than walking or biking; they take elevators instead of stairs; they use vacuum cleaners rather than brooms; and they cut the lawn with riding rather than push mowers. All of these simple changes reduce the amount of energy used to perform the tasks of daily living. A typical office worker today walks only about 3000 to 5000 steps in their daily activities. In contrast, in the Amish community where driving automobiles and using electrical appliances and other modern conveniences are not allowed, a typical adult takes 14000 to 18000 steps a day. The overall incidence of obesity in the group is only 4%. With 46.9% of the population meeting Physical Guidelines for aerobic/cardio physical activity (Exercise and Physical Activity). The problem for individuals is that willpower is not enough. We live in an environment where theres food every half mile. Its tasty, cheap, convenient, and you can eat it with one hand. We, the consumers, need not only to cut back on calories and fast food, we need to get active in any possible way we can to increase our health. Although simpler sounding on words then it is to actually pursue, exercise is Americans biggest challenge. Imagine a 7-year-old boy named John who, his whole has been given to-go fast food meals as his daily dinner at home. John has always been overweight for his age. As John has entered his teen’s years, he has become a hectic straight A student who studies constantly but never has time to make his own meals at home. John drives to local fast food joints and spends about $70 per week on his in-between-studies meals. Although, he has never worried about the way he looked and no matter what it has never occurred to him to want to change his eating habits, he continues to eat fast food on a regular basis. He consumes about 1,200 calories more than he is suppose to. Now being a grown adult with a settled job and cozy suburban home, he continues to eat unhealthy. No exercise is ever incorporated into his daily routines. He enters a McDonalds and stares blankly at the menu and clearly sees the sign that McDonalds has introduced a new Premium Caesar Salad with Crispy Chicken Strips but John chooses to ignore it because he thinks going to McDonald’s for a salad is like asking a prostitute for a hug. It just doesn’t make sense. He orders a Big Mac meal that costs him around $9.25 and around 1,130 calories (including drink), this does not bother John because this simple meal tastes great and satisfies his hunger and appetite (keep in mind John ate this meal in-between lunch and dinner so he has eaten more calories with breakfast, lunch and dinner). Oh, and why not make it supersized for 2 dollars more, he won’t be hungry till 2 hours later. John continues this routine for about two more months; he feels extremely tired and out of breathe just walking down the stairs of his home. He also has major pains in his hips and knees only to think this is due to age. As the shortness of breath and joint pains begin to intensify, John finally decides to go to the doctor to get a check-up. His result, John is morbidly obese and has developed osteoarthritis, which is the reason for the joint pains. He also has a respiratory problem that causes his shortness of breath. John is outraged at how he could develop such a health problem. He blames McDonalds for giving him such a horrible and negative effect on his health. He plans to sue the fast food company. Does John win his case? No, he does not. With his irresponsible lack of a healthy diet or exercise, he does not have a fair case against McDonald’s. His overweight and health i ssues are due to his irresponsible lack of awareness to his body and his lifestyle. McDonald’s is not the one to blame; he had the choice to eat unhealthy. No one is forcing him to consume fattening foods. The real culprits in his obesity problems (as well as many other obese Americans) are lack of personal responsibility and its henchmen, gluttony and sloth. What really causes obesity besides the overconsumption of food? Genetics is one factor. Some common forms of obesity are probably the result of variations within a large number of heritable genes between families. Obesity risk is 2-3x higher for a person with a history of obesity as oppose to someone with no family history. Genetic studies have shown that the â€Å"particular set of weight-regulating genes that a person has is by far the most important factor in determining how much that person will weigh† (The Real Cause of Obesity). The heritability of obesity, which shows how, many genes is a factor to obesity versus other factors is the same as the heritability of height. Also, many psychological disorders can lead to obesity as well. The basis of eating disorders and obesity usually lies with mixtures of psychosocial and environmental attributes. Individuals who suffer from psychological disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, and eating disorders) may have a tough time managing control of their consumption of food, exercising an adequate amount, and maintaining a healthy weight. Those with weight problems can use food as a relieving mechanism, particularly when they are sad, anxious, stressed, lonely, and frustrated. In many obese individuals there appears to be a random cycle of mood disturbance, overeating, and weight gain. When they feel distressed, they turn to food to help them feel better which in turn leads to obesity (Psychological Risk Factors of Obesity). The culprits responsible for Americas progressively expanding waistline have little to do with the usual suspects popularized by the media. Many Americans believe Fast Food is the main culprits for obesity because of the clever tactics and unknown ingredients they use to get costumers to buy and their food and make them wanting more later. Fast food companies outnumber actual restaurants because it is affordable, easy to attain, big portioned and delicious. With the United States being the most obese nation, it has also become the nation that craves flavor and variety. Many turn away from greens because of its unappealing taste and lack of flavor. Fast Food companies produce food with flavor and hunger satisfying taste. Many become angry because of the effective advertising done on TV, ads, giveaways and deals. But what really angers consumers most are the chemicals they put in their food that makes it so delicious and irresistible. Polyfluoroalkyl phosphate pesters, PAPs, are chemicals that line fast-food packaging to make it grease- and waterproof, this leads to a number of health problems including cancer and liver disease. Dimethylpolysiloxane, a type of silicone, is added as an anti-foaming agent to McDonald’s chicken nuggets. This is the same ingredient that is used in breast implants and silly putty. Sodium Phosphate, which acts like a foam agent to many types of meat, is constantly used in many fast food joints. Dyes (red and yellow) behavioral attributes. Along with the mystery chemicals that go into fast food for its flavor, companies also supersize or increase the portions of their meals. During 1970s, marketing director of McDonalds corporations, David Wallerstein, determined that consumers would by more of a food item if sold in larger sizes and costs weren’t high. Portions increased from since 1980s to about 5x larger, which includes the drinks and side orders (Buzzle). A supersized coke, big mac and fries takes about 7 hours to burn with walking, now imagine people actually eating this without any exercise. We’ve been supersizing what we eat and that’s what consumers can’t get enough of. Many blame fast food for numerous health problems as well; asthma, strokes, type 2 diabetics, cancer, and cardio vascular disease. I myself have fallen victim to fast food, for example when I go on road trips with the family, we have no time to sit down and have a proper breakfast since we have to get on the road right away. We stop by a McDonalds because their breakfast is cheap and quick since we can eat it in the car. Also, it is no coincidence that fast food chains are everywhere where there are colleges and schools as well. College educated people or not poorly educated Americans are the most rapid growth in BMI between 1970 and 1990 (Fast Food 20). Obesity in college students in 1970 increased to 163% with many students claiming that with so much hectic studying and no time to eat, fast food is close by and quick to eat. So, it is no joke as to why people would blame fast food for their health troubles, since it is easy to attain and delicious but with many deadly ingredients. Personal responsibility is all it takes to decrease obesity. We live in a supersized world but as they say bigger is not always better. Fast food companies should not be blamed for obesity and instead be blamed on the consumers for lack of self-control. Fast food may look delicious but if people are aware of the health problems that are in the food, why do some continue to consume it regularly. Many need to take responsibility for their actions instead of taking it out on the companies by filing ridiculous lawsuits. No one forces us to eat a burger. It is not fast food that kills it is lack of responsibility that kills.

The Lottery and Young Goodman Brown

The Lottery and Young Goodman Brown Thesis sentence: Jackson encourages her readers to question their beliefs, their actions, and the world by creating inner struggle with a barbaric act that is accepted by the townspeople in The Lottery, but Hawthorne takes a different approach by delving into the inner struggle of his character in Young Goodman Brown. In The Lottery, Shirley Jackson uses third person narration to describe how accepted events can lead to barbaric consequences when people do not stop to consider their actions. Nathanial Hawthorne also uses third person narration in Young Goodman Brown, but he does so in a very different way. The essential difference between the ways that these two stories work is that Jackson attempts to produce a reaction inside the reader while Hawthorne attempts to explain inner conflict by delving into his characters thoughts. Both authors use their stories to encourage readers to question their beliefs, their actions, and the world around them, but they achieve this goal with differing techniques. Jackson never overtly states that the townspeople in her story are nervous about the approaching lottery. Instead she uses subtle hints that slowly create a sense of apprehension in the reader. In the third paragraph of The Lottery Jackson describes men as they gather in the town square. The children have already begun stacking stones. The men are talking about everyday matters such as planting and rain, tractors and taxes, but Jackson writes that the men stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed (par. 2). This short passage shows that something about this day is different than the typical town meetings. Jackson, however, has not revealed the reason that the people are nervous. Jackson continues this game with the reader by increasing the fear when the lottery finally chooses the Hutchinsons and Tessie begins to physically express concern for her life. The only thought that the reader gets about the lott ery, though, is Tessies scream that it isnt fair, it isnt right (par. 80). This moment only occurs at the end of the story as the townspeople prepare to kill hers. Hawthorne takes a less subtle approach to describing the nervousness of Goodman Brown. As Goodman Brown makes his way through the woods, he wonders what if the devil himself should be at my very elbow! (par. 9). This is a rather unambiguous expression of fear. After meeting his traveling companion, Brown even begins to talk about his inner struggle by mentioning how their quest conflicts with his scrupples. As they continue walking, they continue their conversation. Goodman reveals his doubts about the initiation that he approaches, but continues on his way at the bequest of his companion, who explains that even the goodliest people in his town have done the same. These two stories describe fear in very different ways, so it is fitting that they also use different methods to question morality. Goodman Browns moral questions are laid before the reader during his conversation with the companion. At times he feels heartened by learning that other people in the community have performed the same rites. At other times, though, he questions whether this can be so. These questions approach the very nature of human beings. In this way, Hawthorne is somewhat more ambiguous than he is in his descriptions of fear. After all, he follows Browns thought process as it bounces back and forth. Still, his approach to the question of morality is far less ambiguous than Jacksons. By the end of the story, Hawthorne writes that it was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown (par. 73). This statement comes directly from the narrator. Had a character said as much, then there would be some ambiguity about the moral position of the story. Since it is written by a n arrator who has remained reliable throughout the story, the reader can only accept it as truth within the context of the story. Jackson, however, uses a different approach to questioning the morality of the townspeople. She creates tension throughout the story that culminates with Tessies scream that it isnt fair, it isnt right, but the writer never comes forward with a solid endorsement of Tessies feelings. The reader has the impression that these barbaric events are certainly unfair to Tessie, but that the other people might have a different opinion. After all, what are they to do? They must choose a random sacrifice to ensure the health of their crops. Questioning the morality of this event is similar to a modern person questioning the morality of socioeconomic classes. In some respects, they feel immoral because they randomly put certain people into unfortunate circumstances. On the other hand, what is a person to do? It is simply the way that the world works. Morality and fairness are beside the point in this context. If a moral certitude exits, it does so in the reader, not the story. The Lottery provides an inner struggle within the reader with its shocking ending and question of fairness. Young Goodman Brown, however, provides a more involved, direct line of thinking about morality by describing the inner struggle of Goodman Brown. The effect is completely different: Hawthorne essentially tells his readers what is and is not moral while Jackson creates an event that asks the reader to question his or her own sense of morality. For Hawthorne, a moral certitude exists that he can share with readers through the struggles of his title character. Jackson does not approach morality in this way, though, because her story does not have a concrete moral lesson to teach. Instead, it asks the reader to question beliefs, the morality of actions, and the way that the world functions without providing a definite answer. This ambiguity presents a more accurate perspective of the way that todays world works. Even though Jackson chooses to set her story in a town that feels torn from modernity, it none-the-less approaches group and individual morals from a post-modern perspective that lacks definite answers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dinner With Bill Gates :: essays research papers

Dinner With Bill Gates [The time is the late 1990's and the setting is an unidentified city in the northwest United States, in Washington. Three employees of Microsoft, the narrator, Encolpius, and his co-workers Giton and Ascyltus, have been invited to the illustrious mansion of billionaire Bill Gates, for a banquet.] It was slightly drizzling as we approached the house. We were simply amazed at it's size, it was a good quarter mile in length and equally long in width. As we approached the enormous wooden door, lights flicked on and a computer generated voice greeted us. Not knowing what to do, we waited, letting the rain soak our dinner suits. When the door was opened, we were prompted to enter by a servant. Stepping into the entrance way, our coats were taken by a different servant than the one who had opened the door. We were ushered into a nearby room, an enormous lounge of some kind furnished with an indoor volleyball court, arcade and a pool. Giton and I were simply amazed. This guy had an amusement park in his living room. There were some young boys on the volleyball court, playing a game. I couldn't help but notice a middle-ages guy, dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a sports coat, watching the game with furious intensity. I turned to the servant, our guide, I suppose, and asked him who this man was. "Oh that's Master Gates, the proprietor of this house. You'll be dining with him shortly." The servant led us through this room, past the pool and into a narrow corridor. This hallway was adorned with pictures of Bill Gates, in various characters and positions. The only one I recognized was the cover from the recent issue of Time Magazine featuring him on the cover. From here, we were led into the dining room and seated at the large dinner table. The table occupied a majority of the room, however, there was an enormous hole in the middle, obviously for a dinner show of some kind. Immediately, our glasses were filled with wine and our hands were scrubbed with rose water. I looked at Ascyltus, and he was simply amazing at the luxurious nature of the dinner. I suddenly felt underdressed but I was relieved when Bill Gates entered, wearing a different, much darker shade of jeans and a simple, red pullover. Once Bill Gates seated himself, the dozen or so people in the room all silenced themselves, waiting for this legendary man to speak. "Welcome to my home," he began, "I hope you will have an enjoyable evening. Dinner With Bill Gates :: essays research papers Dinner With Bill Gates [The time is the late 1990's and the setting is an unidentified city in the northwest United States, in Washington. Three employees of Microsoft, the narrator, Encolpius, and his co-workers Giton and Ascyltus, have been invited to the illustrious mansion of billionaire Bill Gates, for a banquet.] It was slightly drizzling as we approached the house. We were simply amazed at it's size, it was a good quarter mile in length and equally long in width. As we approached the enormous wooden door, lights flicked on and a computer generated voice greeted us. Not knowing what to do, we waited, letting the rain soak our dinner suits. When the door was opened, we were prompted to enter by a servant. Stepping into the entrance way, our coats were taken by a different servant than the one who had opened the door. We were ushered into a nearby room, an enormous lounge of some kind furnished with an indoor volleyball court, arcade and a pool. Giton and I were simply amazed. This guy had an amusement park in his living room. There were some young boys on the volleyball court, playing a game. I couldn't help but notice a middle-ages guy, dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a sports coat, watching the game with furious intensity. I turned to the servant, our guide, I suppose, and asked him who this man was. "Oh that's Master Gates, the proprietor of this house. You'll be dining with him shortly." The servant led us through this room, past the pool and into a narrow corridor. This hallway was adorned with pictures of Bill Gates, in various characters and positions. The only one I recognized was the cover from the recent issue of Time Magazine featuring him on the cover. From here, we were led into the dining room and seated at the large dinner table. The table occupied a majority of the room, however, there was an enormous hole in the middle, obviously for a dinner show of some kind. Immediately, our glasses were filled with wine and our hands were scrubbed with rose water. I looked at Ascyltus, and he was simply amazing at the luxurious nature of the dinner. I suddenly felt underdressed but I was relieved when Bill Gates entered, wearing a different, much darker shade of jeans and a simple, red pullover. Once Bill Gates seated himself, the dozen or so people in the room all silenced themselves, waiting for this legendary man to speak. "Welcome to my home," he began, "I hope you will have an enjoyable evening.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Using Creative Writer 2 :: Computers Software Internet Technology Essays

Using Creative Writer 2 Contents Getting Started Creative Writer 2 Home Page Hardware and Software Requirements Internet E-mail Making Web Pages Web Publishing Creative Writer 1.0 Compatibility Troubleshooting When You Have a Question Getting Started Before you set up Creative Writer 2, it is best to close other applications. Also, do not remove the Creative Writer 2 disc from your computer during Setup. If you follow these guidelines, but still encounter problems during Setup, check that your computer has the minimum requirements necessary to install Creative Writer 2. To install Creative Writer 2 under Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Insert the Creative Writer 2 disc in your computer's CD-ROM drive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creative Writer 2 Setup will start. If it does not start, double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop, double-click the Creative Writer 2 disc, then double-click Setup. 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Follow the instructions on the Setup screen. Note: If you are running Windows NT, you must be logged on to an account with Administrator privileges to install the product. Creative Writer 2 is installed in the Microsoft Kids folder on the Start menu. Where to Find Help Check the Creative Writer How to... Help (under the big green question mark) for information on how to use Creative Writer or for tips on cool things to do. Creative Writer 2 Home Page Please visit the Creative Writer 2 home page at the Microsoft World Wide Web Site. The address is: http://www.microsoft.com/kids/creative2.htm You can also use the Internet Explorer shortcut provided on the Creative Writer 2 disc. Look there for information on updates and activities relating to Creative Writer 2! Hardware and Software Requirements System Requirements Computer: ï‚ · A multimedia PC or compatible with a 486/33 or higher microprocessor. Memory (RAM): ï‚ · 8 MB of RAM (16 MB recommended for best performance). Hard disk space: ï‚ · 16 MB of free disk space for minimum configuration, 22 MB for full configuration. The Web Publishing Wizard requires approximately 1MB of additional space. Also, additional hard disk space is required for creating documents. CD-ROM drive: ï‚ · 2X CD-ROM drive: This CD-ROM drive can transfer data from the CD-ROM at 300 KB per second while using less than 40% of the CPU bandwidth and has an average seek time of less than 400 milliseconds. ï‚ · MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX) version 2.2 or later. Video display requirements: ï‚ · Super VGA display capable of displaying 256 colors at 640 x 480 resolution. Using more than 256 colors may affect performance. A local bus video card is recommended. Operating system requirements: ï‚ · Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT, version 4 or later. Sound requirements: ï‚ · Windows-compatible 8-bit sound card capable of playing wave sound effects and MIDI music.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Placing the Blame in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Placing the Blame in Macbeth    The blame for the tragedy of Macbeth must be apportioned between the three witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself.    The three witches play a very important role in affecting the actions of Macbeth with their ability to steer him in the direction they desire. They not only use their supernatural powers but also prey on his greed and ambition.    All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter!    These predictions are effective in attracting Macbeth's attention because they feed off his desire for what they promise. At this point in the play he is the newly appointed thane of Glamis. Immediately after the predictions, news arrives that he is to be thane of Cawdor. Macbeth cannot help but wonder whether the third prediction will come true or not. Banquo says that the forces of darkness use the truth to win us to harm but Macbeth's ambition makes him unwilling to believe this.    There is an ambiguity in Macbeth - do the witches represent inevitable fate, and is there in this instance the triumph of the forces of darkness, or does Macbeth have free will? If the responsibility for his actions rests with him and him alone, it may be argued that it is his weakness and his ambition that matter. His weakness lies in allowing himself to be bullied and shamed by Lady Macbeth into the murder of his king and guest.    Macbeth Prithee, peace: I dare do all that may become a man, who dares do more is none. Lady Macbeth What beast was't, then That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it then you were a man; And, t... ...f the above, Macbeth is ambiguous about whether we have free will or are controlled entirely by fate. In the play, even though we see Macbeth changing his mind about whether to kill Duncan, he eventually does as the witches foretold; in addition all their other pronouncements came true. This veers more or less towards the idea of fate. If fate is unchangeable and the witches are acting only as messengers, the blame for the tragedy can not be attributed to the witches, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. However, the witches also say about the sailor they are tormenting    Though his bark cannot be lost Yet it shall be tempest tossed    This implies that the witches have only limited powers and can only direct people within certain limits. If this is the case, then we must see that Macbeth's ambition and moral cowardice are responsible for his tragedy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

AIDS & progres

Although progress has been in treating HIV infection and AIDS, the epidemic remains a critical public health issue in all communities across the country and around the world.Prevention, early detection, and ongoing treatment remain important aspects of care for people with HIV infections and AIDS.Nurses in all settings encounter people with this disease; thus, nurses need an understanding of the disorder, knowledge of the physical and psychological consequences associated with the diagnosis, and expert assessment and clinical management skills to provide optimal care for people with HIV infection and AIDS.In 1987, just 6 years after the first cases of AIDS were reported, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first antiretroviral agent; in 1988nthe first randomized controlled trial of primary prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia appeared in the literature; and in 1995 protease inhibitors joined the growing number of antiretroviral agents.Improved treatment of HIV and AIDS has resulted in increased survival times; in 1996, 1997, and 1998, age-adjusted death rates fell 29%, 48%, and 21%, respectively.II. BackgroundSince acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized more than 20 years ago, remarkable progress has been made in improving the quality and duration of life of persons with HIV infection.During the first decade, this progress was associated with recognition of opportunistic disease processes, more effective therapy for complications, and introduction of prophylaxis against common opportunistic infections (OIs).The second decade has witnessed progress in developing highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) as well as continuing progress in treating OIs (Letvin, Bloom & Hoffman, 2001).Since the HIV serologic test (enzyme immunoassay [EIA], formerly enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ALISHA], became available in 1984, allowing early diagnosis of the infection before onset of symptoms, HIV infection has been b est managed as a chronic disease   and most appropriately managed in an outpatient care setting (Gallant, 2001).A. EpidemiologyIn fall 1982, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a case definition of AIDS after the first 100 cases were reported. Since then, the CDC has revised the case definition a number of times (1985, 1987, and 1993).All 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. dependencies and possessions, and independent nations in free association with the United States report AIDS cases to the CDC using a uniform surveillance case definition and case report from (CDC, 2002).Starting in the late 1990s, more states started to implement HIV case reporting in response to the changing epidemic and the need for information on persons with HIV infection who have not developed AIDS.As of December 2001, there were 816,149 reported cases of HIV/AIDS and 506, 154 adults, adolescents, and children in the United States (including U.S. dependencies, possession, and associated nations) living with AIDS. Unprotected sex and sharing of injection drug use equipment are the major means of transmission of HIV.A total of 43, 158 AIDS cases were diagnosed in 2001. For men diagnosed with AIDS during 2001, 59% were in the exposure category of men who have sex with men; 24% in injection drug use; and 7% in heterosexual contact.In women diagnosed with AIDS during that same period, 44% reported injection drug use and 52% reported heterosexual contact. Comparing race/ethnicity amount the three largest groups diagnosed in 2001, 20,752 were black, not Hispanics (CDC, 2002).The number of people living with AIDS is not evenly distributed throughout the United States. States with the largest number of reported AIDS cases during 2001 were New York (7,476), Florida (5,138), California (4,315), Texas (2,892), and Maryland (1,860) (CDC, 2002).AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in some other parts of the world. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV /AIDS, more than 18.3 million people worldwide have died of AIDS and 34.3 million people are infected with HIV, with 5.4 million people newly infected with HIV in 1999 alone (Letvin, Bloom & Hoffman, 2001).UNAIDS (2001) reports that since the epidemic began, more than 60 million people have been infected with the virus, making it the most devastating disease ever.The earliest confirmed case of HIV infection was found in blood drawn from an African man in 1959 (Stephenson, 2003). Although factors associated with the spread of HIV in Africa in the 1960s; however, social changes such as easier access to transportation, increasing population density, and more frequent sexual contacts may have been more important (Stephenson 2003).III. DiscussionA. SymptomsTreatment of specific manifestations of HIV infection and AIDS in the person with advanced disease targets symptoms. Patients with HIV/AIDS experience a number of symptoms related to the disease as well as the effects of treatment. Som e of the vivid symptoms are as follows:Respiratory Manifestation. Shortness of breath, dyspnea (labored breathing), cough, chest pain, and fever associated with various OIs, such as those caused by Pneumocystis carinii, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, CMV, and Legionella species.The most common infection in people with AIDS is Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), one of the first OIs described in association with AIDS.PCP. PCP is the most common OIs resulting in an AIDS diagnosis. Without prophylactic therapy, PCP will develop in 80% of all HIV-infected individuals. P. carinii was originally classified as a protozoan; however, studies and analysis of its ribosomal RNA structure suggest that it is a fungus.Its structure and antimicrobial sensitivity are very different from other disease-causing fungi. P. carinii causes disease only in immunocompromised hosts, invading and proliferating within the pulmonary alveoli with resultant consolidation of the pulmonary parenchyma.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Swot Analysis of Sony Corporation

SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS OFSONY  CORPORATION&L. G COMPANY STRENGHTS  Of  SONY  CORPORATION ? Strong Brand Image ? Worldwide Reputation ? High Market Share ? High Quality Products ? High Technology ? Pioneer in the Industry as Being Creative and Innovative ? Supports R&D Activites ? Diversification in Manufacturing Locations Around the World ? Ability to Provide High Motivation to Its Employees ? Loyal Customers STRENGHTS Of L. G SWOT ANALYSIS ? Market leader in home appliances. ? Has got manufacturing unit in tax incentive . ? Wide range of products to serve  all categories. ?Widest distribution network in the industry(47barnches,10000 trade partners). ? Good after sales service offered. WEAKNESSES  OF  SONY  CORPORATION ? Over self-confidence which’s level sometimes reaches notpaying attention to their rivals. ? Diversifications in unsuitable businesses for itself. ? They insist on their own formats. ? Competitively high prices. WEAKNESSES OF L. G ? Samsung being its competitor provides similar  products. ? Consumers compare L. G with Samsung its Korean rival  notwith other global companies. ? Lack of expert operators for complex machines due toilliteracy and lack of training in India. SWOT ANALYSIS OPPORTUNITIES  OF  SONY  CORPORATION ? Continuous growth in their sectors. ? Increasing demand in technological products around theworld OPPORTUNITIES OF L. G ? Fast growth of the home appliances market ? Shifting to rural areas ? Thus maintaining  control over  the market  and  the highestshare in home appliances market THREATS  OF  SONY CORPORATION ? Strong competiton in the market. ? Short product lifecycle. ? Imitation of brand name and technology THREATS OF L. G ? Close competitors like Samsung are compared to it. ? Price war with Samsung. ? Competition from Indian brand and other foreign brands. ~

Fundamental Change of American Society

The American War for Independence was brought on due to the subconscious aversion to British control. Americans increasingly wanted nothing to do with Great Britain and developed different societal Ideas from them constantly. America was growing as a nation, but to grow even further, they needed liberation from the Crown. Patriots took supremacy over all Tories in favor of the Crown and the rest of those remaining impartial.They felt strongly about getting rid of British existence by he time the war had commenced, and in 1779, a newspaper stated, â€Å"Instantly banish every Tory from among you†¦ [And] send them to the Island of Britain† (Doc. B). Because of the war, American society was changed in numerous ways. American fundamentals were altered by the American Revolution in regard to class differences economically, the growing trend of a strong central government politically, and the granting of more freedoms socially.Before the war, America's economy was controlled by Britain's mercantilist system; therefore, America was comprised of farmers in the south and merchants in the orth. Without the mercantilist system, disputes arose on whether the new country should be based primarily on agriculture or manufacturing and trade. Those In favor of the Jeffersonian idea believed that farming was, indeed, a very important occupation (Doc. F). Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, believed farmers were so virtuous because they were economically independent and were self- sustaining.Because of the new land ordinances, there was plentiful land for farming utilization, too. Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist and first Secretary of the Treasury, n the other hand, believed that imports and exports was the best way to better the economy and develop as a country. He also pressed for a national bank to stabilize and Improve the nation's credit, whereas Hamilton was strongly opposed as he sought a more stately-governed nation. The post-war economy gave the citiz ens many hardships, though, and there was serious civil unrest in some areas (Doc. G).The classes differed in America greatly due to the poor economy, making a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Rebellions arose, including the Shays Rebellion, hich took place In Massachusetts from 1786-1787. It occurred because of the financial diffculties the lower-class people were going through, the lack of credit in the new paper money, and harsh policies to decrease the debt. A militia had to be formed instantaneously and the government power eventually won, but It showed that a strong military was needed for the government to be successful and reduce the amount of rebellions.Under the Articles of Confederation, the American government had little success. Federalists and Anti-Federalists existed, where Federalists generally pursued a strong entral government as the Ann-Federalists wanted the opposite. The Articles of Confederation gave a state-supported government, but It wasnt successful In many ways. There were many rebellions arising due to the weak government as a new 1 OF3 nation, so tne Idea 0T a strong central government Degan to arlse . Ine reaerallst papers addressed many aspects of why the Constitution should be ratified.The main ideas included the following: including the fact that a strong government would better defeat the rising up of factions and other rebellions. The Annapolis Convention occurred in 1786 and resulted in a call for a Constitutional Convention. In September of 1787, the Convention took place to revise the Articles of Confederation, but Alexander Hamilton and James Madison schemed to propose a new government all together: the Constitution. James Madison's main idea resulted in the Virginia Plan with a very powerful, proportionate bicameral legislature, an executive, and a judiciary.After the Constitution, the paper Federalist No. 51 was published in February 1788 and created by Madison to get across to the people the structure of he gove rnment planned by the Constitution Convention. The main ideas were: dependency and encroachment to assert that each department should be as independent as possible, the legislature to assert that it is the strongest branch with equally powerful individual branches, usurpations and security to guard from usurpations because it is divided into distinct and separate departments, and factions to end any political uprisings.Basically, the Federalist Papers advocated a means by which checks and balances can be created and a separation of powers. The government had more power than the Articles of Confederation now, but Madison still feared the Constitution gave too limited of federal government power (Doc. l). Since the Constitution was implemented, the Federalists and Ann-Federalists were now disputing about loose and strict interpretations of the document. For example, if a law came about that wasn't specifically stated in the Constitution that the Federalists wanted, the Anti-Federalist s deemed it unconstitutional.The Federalists argued that if a law was not expressly stated against, the law was constitutional. From being a divided, state-governed nation under the Articles of Confederation, to a united nation under the U. S. Constitution, the United States was now under the control of a strong central government and on the road to being one of the most powerful countries in the world. During the American Revolution, many social changes were brought about. In the war, women were taking part in activities that men typically only performed.Deborah Sampson was one of the women that participated in the war to assert her importance as a woman. She disguised as a man in order to serve in the Continental Army. Other women who were said to participate in battles were given the nickname â€Å"Molly Pitcher. The phrase â€Å"Patriot Woman† came into existence, and before the war, both terms were always separated (Doc. A). Daughters of Liberty used their home skills t o create a home manufacturing system for all the soldiers to support the war. Molly Wallace stated her claim that since women were allowed to read, then they should be allowed to speak (Doc.J). She wanted for women's voices to be heard since they were just as educated and active as men in society. Unfortunately, this speech signified that, although women contributed very much in the war, women's rights were not significantly changed. As far as Native American relations, they were hoping to have peaceful relations with Americans since the King told them to â€Å"take [the Americans] by the hand as friends and brothers† (Doc. C). The Native Americans were not included in the Treaty of Paris of 1783, however, as the United States were making pollcles 0T separate treatles wltnln trlDes.I ne Natlves were quite apprenenslve, ana they stated, â€Å"we thought that [the treaty's] conclusion would have promoted a friendship between the United States and the Indians† (Doc. E). T he whites were moving west now, as the Proclamation Line of 1783 was eliminated (Doc. H). The Northwest Ordinance was declared to let the Americans move westerly as long as they did not bring any slavery into the areas with them. The Indians were in no place mentioned in the laws of the Northwest Ordinance and were again trying to be disregarded by the Americans.On the other hand, the northern slavery opposition started growing even more, which was a huge step in social change for the blacks. They were also accounted for in Congress due to the Three-fifths Compromise allowing the slave population to be represented in the southern states in the House. Religious freedom came about as well during the American Revolution as the Virginia Statutes stated, â€Å"no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever† (Doc. D).This promoted religious diversity in the United States; thus, encouraging the American Identity. The First Amend ment of the Bill of Rights also established freedom of religion, as well as freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and freedom of the press. These new freedoms escalated to the fundamental idea of a free country. The fundamentals of American society were changed by the American Revolution. Economic change in class differences, political change in the strong central government trend, and social change in the spreading idea of freedom.Egalitarianism was an overall change in the society, too, meaning everyone is equal. The main effect of the revolution was a new strong federal government brought about by the Constitution, which gave everyone equal rights. This is a main foundation for the United States of America's prospering. Without the ideal of equal rights for all, America would be a completely different society all together, without â€Å"life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. â€Å"

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Has Technology Affected B2B Marketing? Essay

Is B2B Marketing dead How has technology affected B2B marketing? In the current market scenario, where all kind of information is available to suppliers, customers and manufactures, there is a general belief that B2B marketing is dead. But the fact is that B2B marketing is still alive. In the previous market scenario, before the advent of information systems or the internet, the information held by the vendors and manufactures was the unique selling point. In that case B2B marketing was very important as the trust factor was very important to do the business. With advent of technology and internet, this factor changed as the business became more transparent. The credibility of a B2B marketer could be checked as the advertisements today are more of Person-to-Person. It can definitely be observed that the nature of B2B to marketing has changed. The main reason being that, â€Å"Everything is Measurable†. Previously, B2B business was based more on Intangible factors, mainly to be read as â€Å"TRUST†. But today we have systems in place to measure even intangible assets. Hence today, B2B marketing is all about analytics, another reason being that the data is available to everyone. As a B2B marketer, the Unique Selling Point is the analytical skill and prediction skill. It has to be kept in mind that in B2B marketing, services are as important as the product itself. And hence the importance of a B2B marketer has increased in today’s scenario. The information on any product as well as the user’s opinion is available to all potential customers. On taking a look at possible risks involved in the companies now has moved on to distribution of risk. They minimise the risk by forming teams for certain accounts. The team members focus individually on various aspects and attributes of its client. This enhances the quality of existing services being provided as well as helps a company to identify the potential services that can be provided to its clients. The B2B marketing field has become highly sensitive due to advent of Digital media, social networking and nature of availability of information. The reputation of a B2B marketer is as important as the reputation of the company itself. This makes the internet very critical in B2B marketing. Even for a B2B Company the internet can be used as a tool for marketing. As a marketer the internet can be used for Listening, Reaching and Nurturing. Listening to what the customer has to say or what a potential customer wants. E-marketing is one of the cost effective methods of reaching out to customers. B2B marketing is built on the foundation of trust. E-marketing can be used for nurturing trust as well as spreading awareness among customers. Yet, again the relevance of â€Å"Is B2B Marketing Dead?† corresponds to the kind of business and the class of customers to which the business adheres to. In some business the internet does not play a critical role in marketing. Such businesses resort to traditional B2B marketing. At the same time the power of social media cannot be neglected in these cases. Social media might not help in marketing in such cases but it should be monitored and used to prevent negative marketing. Hence a presence in the E-space is vital for any company to sustain; growth could be a secondary purpose. So as such B2B marketing is not dead as such business still requires an interpersonal interaction which none of the technology can provide, because â€Å"A man’s intention is best known from his eyes†

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Maslow’s theory of needs in individualistic and collectivist cultures Malika Kassymova Essay

1. Abstract Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivation theory elaborated by a humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. Maslow’s theory consists of 5 main levels of needs that form a pyramid: Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization (Janet A. Simons, 1987). Even though this theory is most commonly used in individualistic cultures, some findings suggest that it may also be applied in collectivist culture. However, the results will differ from those in individualistic cultures. In a collectivist culture, the basic need is belonging to the society; self-esteem is eliminated, and self-actualization is attained in terms of meeting societal development needs (Gambrel, P. A.& Cianci, R., 2003). Thus, contrary to the belief that the basic concept of self-actualisation applies to any human being in any culture, the current findings suggest that an individual’s needs are partially bound by culture. Implications include important impa ct on the workplace, as the concept of self-actualization shouldn’t be forced upon a collectivist culture and vice versa (Nevis, 1983). 2. Introduction 2.1 Review Most famous authors that have investigated international implications of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include Geert Hofstede, Edwin C. Nevis. Other individualism-collectivism studies by Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, Schwartz, Bilsky, Ivtzan and Tanaka have a direct relation to theories of motivation as well. 2.2 Purpose  The purpose of this literature review is to organise, compare and synthesize academic papers related to the Maslow’s theory of motivation and to indicate the sources of obtained data. 3. Application of Maslow’s theory in individualistic and collectivist cultures 3.1 Beginning of studies Individualism – collectivism is one of four dimensions of culture in different countries developed by Geert Hofstede. According to (Hofstede, National Cultures in Four Dimensions, 1983), in an individualistic society individuals look after themselves and immediate family members. He defines collectivism as a preference for a close social framework where family members and other in-group members look after them in exchange for loyalty; individualism, on the contrary, refers to a more self-oriented approach to socialization. 3.2 Methodology & Findings Source: www.geert-hofstede.com In a recent study (Ivtzan, 2010) the cultural validity of self-actualization is tested using the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) questionnaire developed by (Shostrom, E.L, 1980) as a comprehensive measure of the self-actualizing characteristics originally highlighted by Maslow. The POI questionnaire was tested on 100 British participants and 100 Indian participants as these two cultures belong to 2 different cultures (Hofstede, geert-hofstede.com, 2004). In support of the hypothesis, the results showed British participants scored significantly higher than the Indian participants on 10 out of the 12 scales, meaning that Individuals from an individualistic culture are more likely to be closer to the self-actualizing ideal, as measured by these scales, than individuals from a collectivistic culture. Thus, one’s cognition and motivation are affected by the social system in which they are raised and fulfilling one’s potential is expressed differently in these cultures. Collectivistic cultures are more ‘other orientated’ with strong emphasis on approval, acceptance and adherence to social groups (Erez & Earley, 1993). In support of this, Tanaka (1978) tested individualistic and collectivistic differences in agreeable responses to various behavioural statements. For example, in response to the statement â€Å"To do something good for society†, participants from Indonesia, Pakistan and India scored the highest and those from Australia and New Zealand the lowest. However, in response to the statement â€Å"To achieve personal happiness†, the pattern of results was reversed. Similarly, Riesman et al (1953) describe that the other-directed person â€Å"hardly thinks of himself as an individual† (p.33) further suggesting that collectivists that define themselves in such an ‘other-directed’ way are less likely to be inner orientated than individualists. Therefore, prestigious companies such as Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS, 2007) that actively use Maslow’s motivational theory may fail to effectively ‘reach out’ their more collectivist employees. Source: www.geert-hofstede.com 4. Summary Hofstede (1983) and Nevis (1983) both conclude that the hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow stresses individual achievement rather than collective, since it was developed on the basis of individualistic US model. However, Hofstede (1983) and Trompenaars (1993) agree that the American way of management does not apply across all cultures, especially as those in Asia. Living to our fullest potential is a universal theme and the route towards unlocking this potential and fulfilling it might be dependent on our cultural values. Therefore, the results of using Maslow’s model will differ in individualist and collectivist cultures. Further research is needed to establish whether the fulfilment of the individual in a non-Western, collectivistic culture is idealised in a different way (Ivtzan, I., Gardner, H. E., Bernard, I., Sekhon, M., & Hart, R., 2013). 5. Implications for Managers Individualistic countries desiring to invest in collectivist countries (e.g. China) can increase their profitability through understanding of collectivist culture and vice versa. Companies where management models are based on individualism shouldn’t force their management practices upon a collectivist environment. For example, in a collectivist culture like China, Nevis (1983) suggests that Chinese business practices should be governed by being a good member of society and placing group needs before individual needs. Therefore, a team-based organizational structure should be put in place by the investing firm. The human resource management plan should also design a benefits plan that centres on the work group with a focus on housing, medical care, and education. Cultural research is important in human resource management in order to divide between individualistic and collectivistic cultures, allowing both to work efficiently and effectively, side by side, in the same organisational environment (Ivtzan, I., Gardner, H. E., Bernard, I., Sekhon, M., & Hart, R., 2013). Also, the human resource management plan should implement a comprehensive cultural training program designed to increase understanding and awareness of a collectivist culture to avoid confrontations and situations that would cause one to lose face (Gambrel, P. A.& Cianci, R., 2003).